Many adults in the United States live with chronic musculoskeletal pain; and since the opioid epidemic, other non-surgical treatment modalities are in high demand. Many have tried injections and physical therapy amongst other conservative treatment options with no success.
Shockwave therapy is a new treatment being used more in the field of podiatry/orthopedics and pain management. Shockwave therapy delivers high energy sound waves, causing microtrauma to the targeted tissues. This promotes a regenerative process through growth factor recruitment, neovascularization (new blood vessel growth) and reduces Substance P, a neurotransmitter released during pain signaling.
Treatments normally last 8-10 minutes depending on body part, and it is recommended that a minimum of 4-5 treatments be performed a week apart. Shockwave therapy purposefully induces increased blood flow to the area of concern, so during treatment, patients are discouraged from icing and anti-inflammatories.
Remember, there’s still hope if orthotics and injections haven’t worked for you. Shockwave therapy is non-invasive, non-painful, and affordable.
Visit our office to speak with a doctor.