Crack Is Wack!

The Podiatry Doctors

Crack Is Wack!

Hello friends,

The Podiatry Doctors here wishing everyone happy and healthy holidays.  Along with holiday spirit, this time of year also brings about holiday weather and many of you may suffer from dry and cracked skin.  When this occurs around the feet, it can be very painful and even dangerous if the cracks become infected. Here are some steps you can take at home to help remedy this problem…

  • Stop taking scolding hot showers. Doing this causes the oils and sebum that collects in the tiny cracks and pores of your skin to wash out. When this happens, your skin cannot lock in moisture as well leaving you prone to dry skin and cracks.
  • If you find that you form thickened callosities, use a specialized file or pumice stone after showers to keep them trimmed. DO NOT do this if you have neuropathy or cannot see the bottom of your feet.
  • Use daily applications of an OTC therapeutic moisturizing cream. Most brands work well but I’d avoid fragranced creams or anything that’s too fancy-shmancy.
  • After applying a moisturizer, use a cotton (or other natural material) sock to help lock in the moisture. (If you already suffer from deep cracks, fill them with Vaseline before putting on your socks at bedtime)

If you’ve tried these things and still suffer from dry skin, talk to your Podiatrist or Dermatologist about being prescribed an emollient like a urea compound.

CALL OUR OFFICE and ask about our 25% discount on Gormel Cream (20% urea) during December

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