The Podiatry Doctors

Foot & Ankle Arthritis

Foot & Ankle Arthritis Treatment

Foot & Ankle Arthritis Services

Arthritis is a painful condition where the smooth gliding surfaces of the joint (cartilage) begins to wear, sometimes producing the sensation of bone on bone rubbing. As this occurs, the body tries to protect the joint by sending fluid to the area (causing inflammation) and producing bone spurs, which may limit motion even more.
Many types of arthritis exist. Some are caused by autoimmune disease where the body attacks the joint lining, some by trauma, and others by good ol’ fashion wear and tear (commonly seen in the older population). With all the movement we do day to day, arthritis of the foot and ankle are very common, affecting up to 1 in 5 people at some point in their lives.
Many treatments exist for foot and ankle arthritis. Initially, the focus is on symptom management and slowing the progression of the disease. This is done with lifestyle modifications, medication, bracing/orthotics and when appropriate, cortisone injections. For patients that fail conservative treatment, surgery is an alternative and our doctors are experienced in the newest treatment modalities for surgical management of foot & ankle arthritis.
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